Thursday, November 24, 2011


Some of you will hate me, I know, but IS FRIDAY FRIDAY GOTTA GET DOWN ON BLACK FRIDAY!

I couldn't post on thanksgiving, because I had a reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllly busy day over here. But... Today's Blac Friday, so you better be ready to go buy your favorite [Insert random item name here] because it's cheap today, go and hit someone in the face because he's trying to get the last one.

What you didn't know is that besides this holiday. Today it's the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Hari Guru (Teacher's Day) in Indonesia and the Independence os Suriname (I had a random thought about sushi) from the Netherlands.

Also, I begin my countdown till Christmas

See you soon people! Remember, Everyday is Party Day

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Quick Post

Hi people, sorry about this but I think I'm still drunk, and I'm going to keep up the party, I'm just passing by to say hi and wish you an AWESOME WEEKEND!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday 16th Tolerance Day!

Today is sort of a happy day. I finished all my terms and they went great! So I think those are good news. On the other side, today's the International Day of Tolerance! This day is an annual observance declared by UNESCO in 1995  (Oh, btw... UNESCO was founded today but in 1945 so doing the math is was declared by celebrating their 50th anniversary)

Also, today's the Stonian Day of Declaration of Sovereignity and the Icelandic Language day (They haver their own day to celebrate their language, I totally have to learn this. And norwegian, I don't know why am I obsessed with Norway.)

So... Have a nice tolerance days people! I'm celebrating with a really juicy steak because I can't drink today but... cheers! Happy belly button of the week

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Damn... This month has been pretty boring, thank Saturn is Saturday... and everybody knows what happen on Saturday! It's party day! I'm going to have some fun and I hope you too.

Here are some wierd reasons to celebrate (if you don't have an excuse yet):

Today is the 93rd anniversary of Austria as a Republic
In 1956 Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia join the United Nations, just like Equatorial Guinea in 1968
In1980 the NASA space probe Voyager I makes its closest approach to Saturn and takes the first images of its rings

So, let's get some scotch!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday! Nov 7th

Almost everybody is bored today, because yesterday was Sunday, because there's nothing on the TV, some people like myself are sick, I caught the flu, so I went to see a doctor today, so yay for me I'm going to feel better in a week or so. Anyway, looks like it's a bored day around the world too, because the most important events are about Commemorations like Commemoration Day (The anniversary of Ben Ali's succession) in Tunisia, October Revolution Day in modern Russia, the National Revolution and Solidarity Day in Bangladesh and the National Day in Northern Catalonia (I need to get a map)

Maybe the whole world is still hungover because of Halloween... At least, I am. See you on Wednesday, looks like a pretty more intesting day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nov 1st - AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNND..... We're back

Wow... It's been a very rough month. I hated this October... but we're now in November Hooray! 

Yesteday, HalloWIN was celebrated in many many countries around the world. And today is All Saints Day, you see, some people don't where does the word 'Halloween" comes from. Wikipedia says Halloween is a contraction of  All Hallow's Eve. an annual holiday observed around the world on October 31, the night preceding All Saints Day. Much like Day of the Dead celebrations. I don't want to dig more about Halloween's history because there are other holidays who deserve some attention too!

Apparently Vegans like to party, because guess what... It's World Vegan Day! (Yeah... Again) The Day was established in 1944 by Louise Wallis, then President & Chair of The Vegan Society UK. So... Yay for vegans!

In Mexico we present our respects with two days, the first one is today, Day of the Innocents where we mourn the loss of childs. Tomorrow's the second one, where older people get mourned.

Also, It's National Day in Algeria, so yay for them!