Saturday, September 3, 2011

I don't wish you enemies. Part 10

Next day after I kissed her again, she texts me saying she wanted to see me because she had good news. This day was my day off, so I decided to go an hour before her shift ended. When I arrived she was kind of sad, so I asked her and she told she didn't have the guts to call her now ex-boyfriend to break up with him, and she just texted him and she felt bad for it. We were talking about it, and how it was bad and if she was really breaking up with him, she should do it the best way possible.

Her shift was over and we went to a park, we had a short talk, and suddenly, we were making out. So I asked again, and she just nodded, we hug a while and then we went to watch a movie. So now, I had a girlfriend, I was feeling great.

Veni Vidi Vinci.